Use the serial console to enable remote management over HTTP
Perform the following steps on the device serial console to enable remote management.
To enable remote management through the device serial console
- At the prompt, type: Enable-HcsRemoteManagement –AllowHttp
- You will be notified about the security vulnerabilities of using HTTP to connect to the device. When prompted, confirm by typing Y.
- Verify that HTTP is enabled by typing: Get-HcsSystem
- Verify that the RemoteManagementMode field shows HttpsAndHttpEnabled.The following illustration shows these settings in PuTTY.
Prepare the client for remote connection
Perform the following steps on the client to enable remote management.
To prepare the client for remote connection
- Start a Windows PowerShell session as an administrator.
- Type the following command to add the IP address of the StorSimple device to the client’s trusted hosts list:
Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Concatenate -Force
Replace device_ip with the IP address of your device; for example:
Set-Item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Concatenate -Force
- Type the following command to save the device credentials in a variable:
$cred = Get-Credential
- In the dialog box that appears:
- Type the user name in this format: device_ip\SSAdmin.
- Type the device administrator password that was set when the device was configured with the setup wizard. The default password is Password1.
- Start a Windows PowerShell session on the device by typing this command:
Enter-PSSession -Credential $cred -ConfigurationName SSAdminConsole -ComputerName
To create a Windows PowerShell session for use with the StorSimple virtual device, append the –Port parameter and specify the public port that you configured in Remoting for StorSimple Virtual Appliance.
At this point, you should have an active remote Windows PowerShell session to the device.
Connect through HTTPS
Connecting to Windows PowerShell for StorSimple through an HTTPS session is the most secure and recommended method of remotely connecting to your Microsoft Azure StorSimple device. The following procedures explain how to set up the serial console and client computers so that you can use HTTPS to connect to Windows PowerShell for StorSimple.
You can use either the Azure classic portal or the serial console to configure remote management. Select from the following procedures:
After you enable remote management, use the following procedures to prepare the host for a remote management and connect to the device from the remote host.
Use the Azure classic portal to enable remote management over HTTPS
Perform the following steps in the Azure classic portal to enable remote management over HTTPS.
To enable remote management over HTTPS from the Azure classic portal
- Access Devices > Configure for your device.
- Scroll down to the Remote Management section.
- Set Enable Remote Management to Yes.
- You can now choose to connect using HTTPS. (The default is to connect over HTTPS.) Make sure that HTTPS is selected.
- Click Download Remote Management Certificate. Specify a location to save this file. You will need to install this certificate on the client or host computer that you will use to connect to the device.
- Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Use the serial console to enable remote management over HTTPS
- At the prompt, type:
This should enable HTTPS on your device.
- Verify that HTTPS has been enabled by typing:
Make sure that the RemoteManagementMode field shows HttpsEnabled.The following illustration shows these settings in PuTTY.
- From the output of Get-HcsSystem, copy the serial number of the device and save it for later use.
The serial number maps to the CN name in the certificate.
- Obtain a remote management certificate by typing:
A certificate similar to the following will appear.
- Copy the information in the certificate from -BEGIN CERTIFICATE- to -END CERTIFICATE- into a text editor such as Notepad, and save it as a .cer file. (You will copy this file to your remote host when you prepare the host.)
To generate a new certificate, use the Set-HcsRemoteManagementCert cmdlet.
Prepare the host for remote management