The Microsoft remote desktop client can be found in %systemroot%/system32/mstsc.exe. Running this program with no extensions will bring up the remote desktop connection program. However, mstsc.exe has a full set of switches that can be used to accomplish things from the command prompt.
mstsc.exe {ConnectionFile | /v:ServerName[:Port]} [/console] [/f] [/w:Width/h:Height]
/v – specifies the remote computer and port (optional) you wish to connect to
/console – connects to the console of a Windows Server 2003 based system
/f – starts the remote desktop connection in full screen mode
/w & /h – specifies the width and height of the remote desktop connection
This can be very useful in creating batch files to use as quick routes to machines with a particular group of settings. For instance, mstsc.exe can be called from a batch file enforced by group policy to run at startup for machines that need to connect directly to a terminal server for use.
Chris Sanders is the network administrator for one of the largest public school systems in the state of Kentucky. Chris’s specialties include general network administration, Windows Server 2003, wireless networking, and security. You can view Chris’ personal website at