
RDP Connection

RDP Connection
Image by Renate Köppel from Pixabay

Please try this on the same machine you’re running Royal TSX on.

If you can connect using Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac, you can try exporting the connection and importing it back into Royal TSX.
To do this, right-click the entry in MSRDP and select “Export”. In the save panel, select a location to save the .rdp file to.
Back in Royal TSX select the folder you want to import the connection to.
Then go to “File – Import – RDP files…” and select the exported file. Now try to connect to the just imported connection.

If that doesn’t work, a common cause is that “Network Level Authentication” (NLA) needs to be either enabled or disabled depending on how your Windows host is set up. To adjust this setting, open the properties of your RDP connection and navigate to the “Advanced – Authentication” section. If that’s the culprit and you need to adjust multiple connections, you can use our bulk-edit feature to do so.

If you’re trying to connect to a machine joined to an Azure Active Directory (AzureAD), please ensure that NLA is disabled on the target machine and your connection properties in Royal TSX. Also, it’s required to enable TLS Encryption in Royal TSX.

If you still can’t connect with Royal TSX, please contact us and include at least the following information:

  • The exact error message you’re receiving
  • The Royal TSX and FreeRDP plugin version you’re using
  • OS and version of the remote machine you’re trying to connect to
  • OS and version of your Mac

Source: support.royalapplications.com