
RDC Windows

RDC Windows

Last week, we saw how to troubleshoot SSL issues. Similarly, during automation, one might have to do a remote desktop connection (RDC) to multiple machines and there are chances of minimizing or closing the RDC connections. In this blog post, we discuss the solutions to problems with native elements if...

Microsoft SQL Server default port

Author: Sanjay Mishra Reviewers: David P. Smith (Active Network), Mike Ruthruff (Bungie Studios), Matt Neerincx, Luis Carlos Vargas Herring, Piyush Ranjan, Steven Schneider My job provides me opportunity to work across different sections of customers – some customers who like all defaults (default instances, default port numbers, etc.), and some...
How to Remote into my home computer

How to Remote into my home computer?

This topic applies to: If you want to connect to your home computer when away from home, via an outside network or via 3G connection from your tablet/phone, you will need the following setup: (Requires some technical know-how...) Allow Splashtop Remote as a trusted application program to your third-party firewall...
Set UP SQL Server

Set UP SQL Server

The steps in this topic are for installing SQL Server 2012 enterprise edition, but you can use the same steps for installing the standard edition. The steps for SQL 2014 are also very similar to these. We’ll install all the SQL Server 2012 features that TFS requires on the same...
Connect Using Remote Desktop

Connect Using Remote Desktop

Platform:Microsoft Windows Difficulty: Easy Estimated Completion Time: 5m + Updated: 5/26/2013 @jatheish This article will explain how to connect to a remote Windows Server by using the Remote Desktop Connection application included with most versions of Microsoft Windows. Step 1 First we need to locate the Remote Desktop Connection application...
Remote Desktop VPN Windows 7

Remote Desktop VPN Windows 7

VPN software creates a secure, encrypted connection between your home computer and the Concordia College network. In order to access any resources on the College network (except webmail), you will need to connect through the VPN connection. The instructions for installing the VPN client can be found from the following...
How to Run Remote Desktop

How to Run Remote Desktop?

Applies to TestComplete 12.30, last modified on April 18, 2017 Information in this topic applies to desktop and web applications. Windows includes the Remote Desktop component that you can use to connect to a remote computer and work with it as with your local computer. Using Remote Desktop, you can...
SQL Server Accept Remote Connections

SQL Server Accept Remote Connections

Limitations and Restrictions The remote access option only applies to servers that are added by using sp_addserver, and is included for backward compatibility. Permissions Execute permissions on sp_configure with no parameters or with only the first parameter are granted to all users by default. To execute sp_configure with both parameters...
Default port SQL Server 2008

Default port SQL Server 2008

A while back, I worked on a project that required persisting data to multiple databases. The requirement was to save some data to a Microsoft SQL Server (which hosted the billing application data) and save a different set of data to an Oracle database (which housed the database for the...
Control Remote computer through Internet

Control Remote computer through Internet

IDEAL Remote lets you take control remotely of your Windows (from Windows NT to Windows 2012 Server), Mac OS X and Linux systems. IDEAL Remote is not only a remote control tool, in addition to taking control remotely, you have access and manage remote computers, registry, events, printers, processes, sessions,...
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