archiveSeptember 2018

Microsoft desktop

Microsoft SQL Server Ports

By default, Microsoft Windows enables the Windows Firewall, which closes port 1433 to prevent Internet computers from connecting to a default instance of SQL Server on your computer. Connections to the default instance using TCP/IP are not possible unless you reopen port 1433. The basic steps to configure the Windows...
Windows Remote Login

How to access Remote Desktop?

Remote Desktop is not enabled by default. You must specifically enable it to allow remote access to the workstation. When it is enabled, any member of the Administrators group can connect to the workstation. Other users must be placed on a remote access list to gain access to the workstation....
Connect Remote SQL Server Database

Connect Remote SQL Server Database

I have setup a SQL Server 2008 Express instance on a dedicated Windows 2008 Server hosted by I cannot connect remotely to the server through management studio. I have taken the following steps below and am beyond any further ideas. I have researched the site and cannot figure anything...