archiveAugust 2016

Connect to Remote Server Mac

Connect to Remote Server Mac

Sharing Files To enable File Sharing on your Mac, open the Sharing pane of System Preferences and select the option for File Sharing. Windows computers and Macs can then see your computer on the local network. When you connect from a Mac using OS X Mavericks or OS X Yosemite...
VPN and Remote Access

VPN and Remote Access

For remote access VPN connections, a computer creates a remote access connection to a VPN server. During the connection process the VPN server assigns an IP address for the remote access VPN client and changes the default route on the remote client so that default route traffic is sent over...
Accessing IP address Remote

Accessing IP address Remote

Sometimes (waaaay to often) I have to check that a site I’m working on looks like it should in Internet Explorer 6, Safari on Mac or some other browser that I can’t run in Windows 7. In this case I wanted to access it from IE6 running in XP Mode....
Remote Desktop Connection From outside Network

Remote Desktop Connection From outside Network

This one is driving me nuts. I have a Terminal Server at a client's location (they are an RV park, and have a rather extensive internal network with multiple DSLAM's). The TS has 2 NIC's: one connected to the local (office) network, through a router to a DSL modem, then...
Server name for SQL Server 2005

Server name for SQL Server 2005

When you change the name of the computer that is running SQL Server, the new name is recognized during SQL Server startup. You do not have to run Setup again to reset the computer name. Instead, use the following steps to update system metadata that is stored in sys.servers and...